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Easy DIY Homemade Body Scrub: Simple Homemade Recipe

Easy diy body scrub - Nigermany
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You know, life has a funny way of taking a toll on our skin. Whether it’s the natural aging process, the lack of that hydration hug, or a sneaky vitamin deficiency, our skin sometimes needs a little extra love. So, what do we do? We embark on a quest to pamper ourselves and bring back that youthful, radiant glow. We delve into the world of moisturizers, and creams, and even make appointments with dermatologists.

But here’s the thing, not all that glitters in the skincare aisle is gold. Many of those commercial products come packed with a cocktail of chemicals that may not be the best match for our precious skin. That’s where I come in with a solution that’s as easy as it is delightful – a homemade body scrub that you can whip up using ingredients you probably already have at home. 

Let’s dive into this world of natural goodness and discover a simple homemade sugar scrub recipe that’ll leave your skin feeling smooth, clean, and absolutely radiant.

Ingredients for Your DIY Body Scrub:

  • Sugar 
  • Carrier oils
  • Essential oils (for fragrance)

What you need for your DIY Sugar Scrub:

1. Let’s kick things off by recognizing the star of our show: sugar. It’s a powerhouse ingredient when it comes to creating a body scrub that’ll leave your skin smoother than silk. You can choose between white sugar and brown sugar – both work wonders in banishing dead skin cells. What we’re really after is the exfoliating texture on our skin.

  • White cane sugar is crafted purely from sugarcane, while brown sugar carries the sweetness of molasses along with it.
  • Fun fact: Brown sugar has the edge in the skin moisturization game, which is why you’ll often see it preferred by cosmetics companies.

2. Now, let’s talk about salt. If you’ve already got sugar in your mix, there’s no need to add salt. But if you’re looking for a little extra exfoliation oomph, salt is your go-to. Just remember, it’s rougher, so keep it away from that delicate skin like on your face.

3. What’s next? Carrier oil! You can choose any carrier oil that tickles your fancy, but in this recipe, we’re going all out with the greatness of coconut oil. It’s packed with nourishing and skin-clearing elements that’ll have your skin doing a happy dance. Here are some other carrier oils and their superhero benefits:

  • Almond Oil: Rich in vitamin E, it’s your ticket to reducing inflammation and enjoying antioxidant goodness. Be mindful of common skin allergies with this one.
  • Olive Oil: Perfect for soothing skin inflammation, irritation, and rashes.
  • Jojoba Oil: Dry skin, itching, and rash problems? Jojoba oil to the rescue, thanks to its skin-adoring fatty acids.
  • Walnut Oil: Packed with vitamins and fatty acids, it’s your skin’s nourishment superhero. Be mindful of skin allergies with walnut oil as well.

4. Essential oils, which might be my favorite part. These little drops of magic contain anti-inflammatory properties that kick dirt, bacteria, and dead cells to the curb. But there’s more to them – essential oils are all about elevating the fragrance of your scrub. It’s like creating your own personal spa day. Lavender, Neroli, Tea tree, Sandalwood – take your pick and let your senses soar. But keep in mind that essential oils are powerful. A little (and I mean a little) goes a long way.

Recipe of DIY Homemade Sugar Scrub:

Now, I know some recipes out there sound like they require a Ph.D. in chemistry, but this one? It’s a breeze, and it’s all about spreading the love.

Equipment Used:

  • Bowl
  • Spoon or stirrer for mixing sugar and oil
  • Jar for keeping your precious body scrub safe

Ingredients Used:

  • A cup of brown sugar (white sugar works too)
  • ⅓ cup of Coconut oil
  • 5-10 drops of Essential oil of your choice
  • Vitamin E oil (totally optional but a great way to extend shelf life)


1. Start by finding yourself a clean, dry bowl – water is not invited to this party. Now, add a cup of granulated sugar, whether you prefer the classic white sugar or the warm embrace of brown sugar.

2. Time to bring in the carrier oil star – ⅓ cup of coconut oil is the ticket to skin nirvana. Drop it into the bowl and let the stirring party begin. Mix it up for about 10 minutes until that sugar and oil become the best of buddies. The ideal texture is somewhere between not too dry and not too wet – it’s all about finding that sweet spot.

3. Picture this: a well-blended mixture of sugar and coconut oil, pure skincare heaven!

4. Now, let’s enhance the sensory experience. Introduce 20 drops of your chosen essential oil into the mix. This is where your scrub gets its signature fragrance. Feel free to add more or less, whatever tickles your fancy. For me, it’s 20 drops of lavender oil – that sweet herbal scent is like a spa day right in your bathroom.

5. If you’re in the mood for a skincare superhero cape, consider adding 1 teaspoon of Vitamin E oil. It’s got antioxidant properties that’ll shield your scrub from oxidation and humidity damage, extending its shelf life.

6. Once your body scrub masterpiece is ready, transfer it into a jar or any airtight container you have on hand. This not only keeps it safe but also ensures it’s ready to work its magic whenever you need that skin-loving pick-me-up.

How Long Do Sugar Scrubs Lasts?

Without preservatives, your homemade body scrub is your skin’s BFF for a solid 2-3 months. Add those preservatives, and you’ve got yourself a skincare superstar that can last a year or more. Just remember, keep it away from direct water – moisture and skincare aren’t always the best of pals.

How to Apply your Homemade Sugar Scrub

Picture this: you’ve just had a refreshing shower or bath, and you’re all set to pamper yourself a bit more. Gently towel off and embrace the luxury of your sugar scrub. Take a small amount in your hand and let it dance across your body or face in a sweet, rejuvenating massage that lasts about 30 seconds.

Let your skin soak in the goodness, and voila! Fresh, nourished skin that’s kissed goodbye to those pesky dead cells. For best results, treat yourself to this body scrub ritual twice a week, and you’ll be glowing with gratitude.

So, there you have it – your very own DIY Homemade Sugar Scrub. It’s a little luxury that’s all about treating yourself, loving your ski.


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