I help you build a life of Sustainable Self-Sufficiency, drawing from my experience and commitment to an independent future for my family.


It’s Official: We have our family land

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For years now, my husband and I have been talking about getting land for our family. Partly because I’ve recently taken a strong interest in gardening and self-sufficiency. The other part is because we think it’s the wisest investment you can have to secure your future in an uncertain world. The challenge however is that land is quite expensive – especially if you want the good stuff.

We’ve been praying about it for some time and we have officially landed on our family land. The beautiful part of this story is that it is shared with my parents making it a generational plot which is far more than we could have ever imagined.

We decided to take a trip early morning with all five of us packed into one small SUV and go to the land for a tour together. Typed words could never describe what an experience this was so pictures will have to do.

What’s the plan from here?

Who knows. We sure don’t. All we know is that we plan to do something marvelous with this new land and have it around for a long time – maybe even pass it down to our children one day.

I am also slowly seeing tremendous benefit to having this land available to us as we plot out a course for retirement but I am not ready to share yet until I have more mental clarity on how things come together. Stay along for the ride and I will be sure to share more soon.


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