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What is Homeopathy?

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Homeopathy is often referred to as herbalism or naturopathy. However, homeopathy is actually a unique system that works to balance your body’s natural energy. Many people use homeopathy or alternative medicine. In this post, I am going to walk you through what homeopathy is and how it may be a benefit to your current health landscape.

What is Homeopathy?

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) is credited with developing the initial therapies associated with homeopathy. A chemist and physician, Dr. Hahnemann disagreed with many of the accepted medical practices of the time. From the use of toxic chemicals to bloodletting, he believed there were better alternatives. After giving up his medical practice, Dr. Hahnemann began translating medical texts and gradually theorizing that the substances that cause symptoms in healthy individuals similar to those displayed by sick people can also cure illnesses.

In other words, he developed the foundational concept of homeopathy – similia, similibus, curantor – translated to ‘let likes be cured by likes.’

Unlike traditional medicines that are typically chemical-based, homeopathy uses sources from minerals, plants, or animals. The source formula is typically highly diluted using either alcohol or water to achieve the appropriate concentration. Individuals can usually choose between liquid or pill form. While the medical community is divided over the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies, many adults are turning to these alternative medications to treat symptoms related to seasonal allergies, fatigue, and insomnia to name a few examples.

What is the Benefit of Homeopathic Medicine?

The benefits associated with homeopathic medicine are wide-ranging. Homeopathy doesn’t only look at the symptoms associated with an illness or health consideration. Instead, it considers all aspects of a patient’s health, which includes their emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. For example, a prescribed cold and flu medication may only treat symptoms like cough, congestion, and fever. A homeopathic remedy may consider the individual’s chronic stress. By addressing all aspects of an individual’s well-being, homeopathic remedies work to help provide a lasting cure.

Another benefit of homeopathic remedies is the relatively low dosage of medicine found in the liquids and pills. The remedies typically contain trace minerals and herbs so you get a powerful remedy that’s also gentle on your body. This means less of a risk of developing side effects associated with most prescription medications. Even your risk of developing a dependency on the remedies is virtually non-existent. You can relieve pain without worrying about becoming addicted to the cure.

Enhancing Mental and Emotional Well-Being with Homeopathy

Enhancing your emotional and mental well-being is a goal many people are struggling to achieve. Stress, anxiety, and depression are a daily struggle, even for individuals with seemingly happy lives. For those with diagnosed mental health conditions, prescribed medications are often a normal part of their treatment. They take a pill, liquid, or capsule at least once a day in hopes of relieving their symptoms and improving their mental well-being.

While people do see success with prescribed medications, sometimes the side effects are almost as bad as their mental health condition. Not taking their medications can come with devastating consequences, but they may have another treatment option.

Homeopathic remedies combine natural medications with traditional types of therapy. Cognitive behavior therapy is an example. The therapy is commonly used to help treat symptoms associated with mental disorders like depression and anxiety. Cognitive behavior therapy is also used to treat aches and pains like headaches, chronic muscle soreness, and digestive issues.

By treating both a patient’s emotional and physical symptoms, homeopathy works to help an individual recover faster from their illness or condition.

Holistic Approach to Healthcare: Treating the Whole Person

A basic tenet of homeopathy is to treat the whole person and not just the symptoms.  Since homeopathy treats the whole person, you’re getting the most personalized approach to healthcare. Holistic practitioners take the time to prioritize each patient. You get the one-on-one attention you deserve, unlike traditional medicine which only briefly focuses on your symptoms.

Homeopathy also isn’t limited to only using natural-based remedies. When treating the whole person, a variety of treatment types are often used. This can include psychotherapies like talk and cognitive behavior therapy. Acupuncture is another form of homeopathy. Even aroma therapy is a form of holistic medication. By combining multiple treatments, homeopathy may be better able to address noticeable symptoms and their underlying causes.

 Holistic medication also focuses on prevention, and this is something that’s missing from traditional treatments. A physician typically only works to reduce and relieve symptoms after they appear. Homeopathy also focuses on preventing the illness or condition before symptoms appear. Often referred to as wellness visits, therapies are used to help treat the whole person so they’re better able to defend against infections, illness, and other health conditions.

Choosing the Right Homeopath for Your Needs

Like traditional medicine, homeopathy has more than one remedy. Effective treatment may involve a diluted substance, a homeopathic product or an original substance. Even homeopathy practitioners can vary slightly in their treatment recommendations. Remember, even though homeopathy is based on the science of minerals, plants, and animals, it’s not exact. However, even prescribed medications can produce varying results in different individuals.

Since homeopaths can vary in their treatment recommendations, finding the right one for your needs often takes a bit of research. Many homeopathic providers provide treatment for any health condition. A good place to start is to describe your main complaint, and then go into the secondary symptoms. For example, your main complaint is a pounding headache but you also have a cough or runny nose.

After describing your main symptom, think about the location. Is your headache on the left or right side? Next, you’ll want to talk about when you first noticed the headache. What were you doing or did a life-altering event occur? Does your headache occasionally get better or do the symptoms worsen at specific times? A final aspect to consider is how your complaint feels. Does the headache present as a stabbing pain or maybe it’s a constant dull throb?

After going over this information with the homeopath, pay attention to their therapy recommendations. Do they fit your lifestyle and budget, and most importantly do you believe their remedies can help? How can you tell if the treatment is effective? If you aren’t receiving the answers you need or the therapy recommendations aren’t a good fit, talk to another homeopath in your area. Even if it takes a little time, you’ll find the right homeopath for your needs.


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