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Fun Fall Bucket List Ideas: Must-Do Autumn Activities for Families

Family Fall Bucket List
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After the excitement of summer vacations, the fall season can seem boring. School is starting and everyone is getting ready for cooler temperatures. However, autumn is the perfect time to start planning some fun activities. So, gather everyone and start planning your list of fun fall activities. You may be surprised at what makes it onto your list.

Here are some fun fall activities that everyone in your family will enjoy.

Fall Bucket List Ideas 

Something to remember as you go through the bucket list. Remember to keep it fun. Don’t worry if you don’t finish the list, you can always pick it up next fall season.

Decorate Your Home for Fall 

If you have younger children, chances are they are working on fall-themed art projects. This means it’s the perfect time to start decorating your home for fall. You can easily incorporate their art projects into your décor. If their classes aren’t working on projects, you can create fall crafts at home.

You don’t need much to create fun fall decorations. Some markers, crayons, and crafting paper will get you off to a great start. Have your family trace their hands on the construction paper with their fingers spread apart. Cut out the hands and make colorful turkeys. Draw an eye on the thumb and use the fingers for the turkey’s feathers. You can use crayons or markers to color the feathers.

A quick tip: this project works best with brown-colored paper.

You can also plan a trip to a crafting store and let everyone pick out a decoration to use in your fall-themed décor.

Another idea is to gather items from a neighborhood walk to decorate your home. Acorns and leaves are a few examples to help you get started. You can use the items to create a wreath.

Download the Fall Bucket List

It can be easy to feel like autumn has passed you by before you even get a chance to enjoy it. Download 12 Months of Memories to get inspiration for every month of the year – that’s fall, winter, spring and summer.

Spend time with your family and less time with planning overwhelm allowing you to make memories that last.

Visit a Pumpkin Patch 

This idea may involve a road trip, but the drive is worth it when your family finds the perfect pumpkin.

Fall is pumpkin time, and Halloween is right around the corner.

Spending time with your family wandering through pumpkin patches in search of the perfect gourd is a fun way to spend time with your family. Best of all, pumpkins are relatively affordable, so you can get one for everyone in the family. When you get home, start carving your pumpkins. Don’t be afraid to make a mess. Sometimes, making a mess is half of the fun.

You can find kid-friendly pumpkin carving kits at most grocery stores.

Go Apple Picking 

Is there an apple orchard in your area? If not, do a quick Google search. It may mean taking a road trip, but think about the fun you’ll have picking crisp, delicious apples.

What can you do with the apples? Along with eating the apples as soon as you pick them, you can also take them home.

Grab some caramel from the store and take out a saucepan. Melt the caramels and swirl the apples around in the sugary treat. After cooling for a few minutes, you have homemade caramel apples. You can also make apple cider at home.

Not sure how to make apple cider? You can find plenty of recipes online. As the weather turns cooler, you can cozy up with a glass of hot, fresh cider.

Take a Road Trip to a Local Farm 

A great fall family activity is visiting a local farm. You can pet some of the cutest animals, participate in fall crafts, and possibly get lost in a corn maze. Don’t worry, if you can’t find your way out of the maze, someone will be along to guide your way.

Some farms also offer hayrides, and it’s an activity you don’t want to skip.

Afterward, settle in around a bonfire and enjoy being together as a family.

Make a Scarecrow 

You don’t have to leave your house to make a scarecrow. Chances are, your local garden center and crafts store has everything you need.

Assign each family member a task to complete and set the scarecrow up on your front porch. Not only does it make a great fall decoration but it will also help welcome trick-or-treaters to your door.

Jump into a Pile of Leaves 

A favorite fall activity is jumping into a big pile of leaves. Autumn is when the leaves start falling, and your yard will need raking. Before tossing the leaves into garbage bags, rake them into a large pile.

Then, stand back and let everyone take a turn jumping into the leaves. Keep the rake handy, you will need to gather the leaves after each jump.

Bake Donuts 

Donuts are great any time of the year, but fresh, hot, homemade doughnuts are a special treat in the fall.

If you picked apples or pumpkins, use this to add flavor to your doughnuts. Apple and pumpkin spice doughnuts are a great way to welcome in the fall season and satisfy your sweet tooth.

Head to a Football Game 

Chances are you cannot take everyone to a professional football game, but you can support local teams. Show your support for the neighborhood high school team. The team will appreciate your support, and your family will love rooting for the local high school.

You may even want to dress in the school’s colors.

Take a Nature Walk 

Fall is the perfect time to take a nature walk. The weather is cooler, and the leaves are turning colors. You can take a stroll around your neighborhood or visit a nearby nature preserve. Where you take the walk is as important as spending time together as a family.

Final Thoughts 

These are only a few fun fall bucket list ideas to help you get started enjoying the season as a family. For additional ideas that will keep your family entertained and occupied throughout the year, check this out. This inexpensive guide, it’s only around $5, has tons of fun family activities your family can enjoy together or solo through the year.


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