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How To DIY Your Website With A Showit Template

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Knowing what the best template for their business is and how it works are two of the questions I get asked all the time.  I understand how overwhelming the idea of starting a business can be – especially a service based business. This can lead you to believe it costs thousands to get started and to get to the next level. I want you to realize that’s not always the case. With no design experience or coding required, I will go over exactly how to DIY your website (with a Showit template) so you can level-up your businesses presence online and convert the clients of your dreams.

What is a website template?

A pre-designed, pre-made website is a website template. All you have to do is plug in and go live with your own photos, copy, and brand elements. Website templates are a fantastic way to get a beautiful website up fast and without a large investment.

While many platforms boast making it easy to create a website, as a designer I can confidently say that all website builders are not created equally. Sure, we’ve come a really long way since the early 2000 Microsoft Frontpage days but you still need to be very strategic with the platform you select to power your business going forward. With modern drag-and-drop custom builders, you can create a website with zero coding expertise.

Decide what website platform you want to use (Hint: Showit is a winner)

There are a number of website platforms to choose from – Showit, WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, to mention a few. 

For all of my website templates, I use Showit. I first made the decision to move to Showit in 2020 and was immediately amazed by how quickly I could scale and expand my business when I wasn’t spending hours with my head buried in website interfaces to make simple updates. Of course, when I am doing something very complex I do occassionally want a little extra power in the engine but hands down Showit still continues to be one of the best investments I have made in my business since day one. This recommendation isn’t just for Showit alone. Showit uses WordPress for the blog pages giving you a hybrid but seamless solution. Their team takes care of all the back-end blog set up – while you take care of the fun stuff!

Kindly note, in order to publish the website, you have to have a paid Showit plan & domain. You will need a Showit subscription which you can purchase for as little as $19 per month if you don’t need a blog. Pricing is available on their website here. Other than that, a template is all you need to get started creating your stellar new website.

Choose the template that’s perfect for your needs

Once you’ve selected your website platform, it’s now time to choose the template that perfectly fits your needs. 

One of the greatest misconceptions when it comes to website templates is that the industry needs to match exactly what’s displayed which is not actually the case. The design you choose is primarily the layout of the website you prefer and is not geared towards any industry or style. You just need to be sure that the layout matches the content you’re serving and the functionality powers what you need to run your business. Think: contact pages, service pages, etc.

It’s all about your website’s layout preferences and the kind of pages you need to run your business. You don’t need to take into account the fonts, colors or images right off the bat, because it can still be changed to suit your branding with minimal effort.

If you’re looking to get started today, I have fully customizable Showit templates that you can choose from.

Start customizing your template

Now that you have selected the template that matches all your needs, it’s time to start customizing which is always my favorite part.

Every single platform is unique. But rest assured that every template you purchase almost always has mapped out instructions with it. Below, I’ve listed some essential things to take into consideration when customizing…

Amend your fonts and colors before making any modifications to the layout. A lot of instances, what distinguishes a professional website design from an amateur looking website is all in the little details. On your website, these are small things you can change that could have enormous effects on your website that won’t cost you much time or effort.

Several website platforms will allow you to modify the fonts and colors of your site. When you go in to customizing each page, updating these components of your entire site settings will make things smoother moving forward. Picking the correct font can have a major effect on your web design’s final look and feel. It may seem like a tiny thing, but it has the ability to take your web design to the next level.

Start with the header and footer of your template. These are the sections of your design that appear similarly on every page of your website. These sections are to be customized only once and the changes should appear on every page.

Typically, the page header is where you can find the brand elements, such as the business logo, website navigation, and main contact information.

Do not hesitate to reach out to the template creator if you get stuck. I love supporting and helping the users of my templates! I’m more than happy to help if you have concerns or have been lost in the customization process. With my Showit templates, grab all the resources that will help you roll up your sleeves and start attracting your ideal client base through a seamless digital experience. The shop has everything you need and if you get stuck, I am always here to help.

Launch the Website

Launch is both exciting and terrifying. I have been launching websites for several years and still feel a small (but positive) flutter of excitement when I get a green light to launch a new site. Once you are able to publish, first – double check everything. Then, hit go. Here’s the thing to remember: you will find things you want to improve. Don’t let that stop you. Rome wasn’t built in a day and your business empire won’t be built in a day either. It’s okay to revisit your site and make improvements as you learn more about your business, as you expand, as you find time. I’m so proud of you! If you make it this far, you’ve made it further than most people who start with an idea that never goes anywhere.

Next, you’ll want to start to shift to learn mode. This is where you watch the data insights based on your promotion tactics to see what is resonating most with whom. We will dive into website management and scale at a later time.

Now, sip your champagne – or coffee – whatever you’re into.

I can’t wait to see your new website! I’d be happy to hear about your needs, your vision for the site and provide a proposal for customization if you’re having a hard time or simply need to save time. I got you. Simply drop me a note.


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