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Kale, Apple, Celery Morning Boost Juice

Kale Apple Celery Morning Boost Juice
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Kale, Apple Celery Morning Boost Juice

If you’re anything like me, mornings are sacred. For years my morning routine depended on a quick line to the espresso machine and quickly guzzling any form of caffeine that was available in the kitchen. Tea, coffee, coated coffee beans, I didn’t care. Now, I am spending far more time strategically arranging my morning to rightfully set the tone of my day. That means what goes in will come out over the next 8 hours. Don’t get me wrong, I will forever love a cup of joe in the mornings but I want to slowly give my body something better. Something that sticks. Something with greater nutritional value than I get otherwise.

You may be asking, “What’s so great about a colorful juice in the morning?” Beyond the beautiful colors sitting in the middle of your breakfast table which is a win in and of itself, the nutritional value is undeniable in my opinion.

Why Juicing?

There are mixed opinions on the value of juicing. I am going to be frank. Everyone doesn’t think juicing is a great dietary addition. Most of the concerns are around the removal of fiber. Take an apple, for example, which is wrapped in a nutrient dense skin. When we remove the skin, which is exactly what the juicing process does, you remove these nutrients which help slow the bodies absorption of sugar in the fruit.

On the other hand, it’s undeniable that we do not get enough vital nutrients in our diet especially on a traditional American diet. Juicing provides a quick and delicious method for getting in vegetables like celery, kale, spinach, and beets. Personally, I consider the commercial juice market which boasts full flavor and sadly hides the ridiculous amounts of sugars, persevatives, syrups and processed ingredients it simultaneously contains.

Should You Juice Your Vegetables?

If you are making a decision for yourself as to if you should or should not take up juicing, I want to interject a loud, “Yes!” It’s your responsibility however to make this decision for yourself so I will leave you with this consideration: do you currently eat the recommended servings of vegetables and vital nutrients each day? If the answer is yes, I say skip the juices and keep doing what you’re doing. You’re doing better than most of us. If the answer is no, I could do better, then I recommend you start juicing only as a means of getting more nutrients into your body as you pursue whole (intact) foods in other meals throughout the day.

How Do I Choose a Juicer?

Choosing a juicer doesn’t need to be overly expensive or overly complicated. Like any product, you spend more and you get more bells and whistles. I currently use the AMZCHEF Slow Masticating Juicer and have no problems whatsoever. It’s a great entry juicer until you get a handle on regular use and recipes that you especially love.

On that note, this is my beloved Kale, Apple, celery morning boost juice that I highly recommend giving a try whether you are a beginner juicer or a veteran looking for a quick recipe.


  • 2 bunches kale freshly washed
  • 2 tangerines small
  • 1 pink lady apple honey crisp is an alternative
  • 2 stalk celery
  • 1 bunch spinach


  • Rinse and de-stem your kale. Peel tangerines.
  • Chop celery and apple into small bite sized pieces.
  • Add to juicer at the appropriate speed. Juice all ingredients.
  • Mix well. Pour into a drinking glass and enjoy.


You can choose to add in a little pulp to you juice if you want to keep a bit of fiber. 

If you make this juice, be sure to tag me in a photo on social media so I can see! @nigermany on Instagram.

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