I help you build a life of Sustainable Self-Sufficiency, drawing from my experience and commitment to an independent future for my family.


7 Things We Do To Enjoy Our Family & Home Together

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I’ve always been a bit of a homebody. While I enjoy occasionally going out, nothing can quite bring me joy like stepping into my own home that is filled just with those closest to me. As I’ve matured, I have focused my attention on enriching my favorite place in the world – the small world behind my front door. When I first met my husband, we spent much of our time in a single room of a shared college apartment and it’s hard to believe that we now live on nearly a quarter acre as homeowners and more bedrooms than we currently used as can be seen by the two year old moving boxes that still clutter the space.

As we’ve grown together and built a life together, we’ve learned quite a bit about how we make our home feel warm, welcoming, and special to us. Many focus on how to make their home the perfect destination when family and friends come to visit but we’ve done the opposite. Those in-between days, when it’s just us and our small baby, are the days we want to fill with love and joy and memories.

I am sharing with you the things we’ve done to make our family and home a special destination we enjoy and look forward to every day whether we are coming home from work or simply waking up to a new day.

How We Enjoy Our Family & Home Together

  1. We fill our home with well-selected music. Music is undeniably powerful. We invested in a Polk Mini sound bar several years ago that may very well be one of the best investments we’ve ever made. We sync our phones via bluetooth and we play tunes to fit the mood. From the jazzysounds of davecreates to UpperRoom worship sets, we crank it up and let it fill the halls. The result? A shared mood to rally around. You’ll be surprised how much more you dance together, even if only for a brief moment, when you give yourself something to dance to.
  2. We buy and eat real food every day. I know what you’re thinking. Big deal. How does this change anything? Real food makes you feel better. It’s no myth that when you are eating a diet rich in the proper minerals and vitamins, your body performs better. Whether your end goal is to simply feel good everyday, increase fertility or stamina, or sculpt a toned body, real food helps a great deal. Real, plant based whole foods have become a staple in our homes and a pillar for how we will raise our kids in the future. You can find some of our family recipes here.
  3. We make time for simple yet special moments. You don’t need a perfectly crafted romantic gesture for the moment to be special. I’ve found that just taking a moment to touch while passing in the hall or sharing how your day went in a meaningful way can create a special moment that you remember for years to come. Make room for something to happen. It is a more organic way to create fireworks in your home and takes nothing more from you than a little patience and extra time.
  4. We touch before we sleep. Since I was young, my parents always shared that they hold hands going to sleep no matter how you feel about the contents of the day. We’ve adapted something similar in our home and we always make sure to either touch legs or lightly cuddle before we fall asleep. Even when there are small arguments (because we are human and they do happen), you can quench the hurt and petty attitude by cuddling at the end of the day and starting tomorrow fresh. It takes humility and love but that’s exactly what family and especially marriage is all about.
  5. We declutter again and again. Minimalism is powerful. You might not be ready to sell all of your somewhat prized possessions but decluttering should be for everyone. It makes your space enjoyable for living, free of eye sores and mismatched decor. We declutter the house at least once or twice a year and simply toss out the excess. It’s allowed us to make space for things that we truly want to keep and it also allows us to re-surface a few items we previously tucked away that still spark joy.
  6. We both spend time in the kitchen. It’s 2020. I think we all know now that a woman’s place is not in the kitchen (unless she has chosen it for herself) but it sure can be a place of joy. Ike can confidently navigate the kitchen and this allows both of us to rotate so that preparing meals doesn’t rest on the shoulders of one person. It also allows us to have far more variety in our meals so we don’t get tired of the same recipes over and over again.
  7. We talk openly about our past and spiritual walk. This is perhaps the most important on the list. We may not share everything but we transparently share our experience of growing closer to God. It’s comforting when I am not merely sharing my feelings about the work day but we can have a well rounded discussion about how God is teaching me patience and meekness through my job. End of day conversations become more than simple conversations but something worth listening to because it circles back to the bigger picture. We have very independent walks with God but we also have a shared Christian journey that brings us closer simply because we walk it out together.

Tell me if you have any other suggestions for how you make your family and home life richer in love, comfort and joy. I’d love to hear how your crafting a truly unique and enriched home life!


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