I help you build a life of Sustainable Self-Sufficiency, drawing from my experience and commitment to an independent future for my family.


3 Things Every Business Needs To Do Right Now

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This is the perfect time of year (especially after the holidays) where business may seem to be in a bit of a transition. The busiest time of the year is seeming to slow down and we all have our minds on our next year goals. I want to share a few opportunities for you to use this transition time to your business’ advantage. We can use this time to prepare our content strategies and goals for the great year ahead. I challenge you to find the hidden treasure opportunities and build out plans to implement what you find using the tips provided here.

Audit your website and social media profiles

This is something that should be done on a regular basis. No feelings. No personal sensitivity. Just an honest evaluation of your website and you social media platforms from the perspective of a customer. One thing that we commonly forget is that our customers don’t necessarily connect the dots. We have to do that for them. We can’t assume they know our values. We have to tell them. We can’t assume they know the value we’re presenting them. We have to tell them many different ways so that they begin to resonate and stick.

In order to evaluate your website, start on your main website. Assume the audience knows nothing of you, has never seen your product or your social platforms. Don’t scroll. Do they know what you do or create before they begin to scroll? We want to ensure your value is well communicated “above the fold.” If it’s not quite clear, or if you’re using poetic language, consider a more literal approach to ensure your message is getting to your customer. For social media, does your content all point back to what you do and produce? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Does your content attract engagement or does it fall flat?

This is how we get better. We continually evaluate where we are (because your website and social platforms are never truly done), and we tweak to make better. I love this approach because it doesn’t feel like I have to conquer the mountain in a day. I just have to do better from where I was yesterday and that is totally accomplishable.

If you have a stellar community (or sibling) that you can pull on, you can always do what’s called UX testing. You ask them to sit down on your profile and verbally share what they’re thinking, what their impression is, where they would want to click or go next. This can bring you invaluable insight on how to ensure your platforms are coming across to your customers as you intend.

Optimize your email sequences for higher conversions

This may be where the hidden treasure resides for your business. Often, when we think of stat analysis, we first think of reviewing stats for our social media platforms. Instead, I want you to review the stats for your email sequences.

Let’s look at the simplest: your open rate and your click rate (because each of your emails should have a clear call-to action). How many of your subscribers are opening your emails? There may be an opportunity to refine those email subject lines (think power headlines) or to clean up your audience list. Ultimately, more than anything, we want to see your click rate (which is merely confirmation that the message in your email resonates) ever increasing. If you see a lower click rate within your sequence, consider making your call-to-action clearer for your subscribers. It may be that the CTA doesn’t quite grab their interest or that they’re not sure what to do.

Continue to look at these stats on an ongoing basis so you know where to focus your attention – beginning with the lower rates first.

Show your face

This may be the most challenging yet fruitful decision I ever made in my business. Showing your face on Instagram, your website, in your emails provides an opportunity for your subscribers to connect. You can have the very best content available in your space but your face makes it memorable. You move from being Wikipedia or a general brand to being YOUR brand.

If you struggle with showing up due to self-image (which this is totally me and I will share more in the future) rest assured that you don’t have to be uncomfortable forever. Start with what doesn’t make you cringe. Maybe that’s sharing more of your voice on Instagram Stories rather than a flatly only. You could start by showing yourself on Instagram Stories before your website header since it only lives on for 24 hours and then poof – it’s gone. Don’t feel pressured. Feel empowered.

You make your brand magical. It doesn’t make you who you are. Remember who is the prize in the drivers seat and give customers someone to connect with.

Remember, you can do this. You can find clever opportunities to optimize, grow and meet your customer where they’re at. Keep going!


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